
Falllout 3 the pit
Falllout 3 the pit

falllout 3 the pit

And for what? A way to weed out the infirm and incompetent leaving only the hardest and cruelest of the lot. All the while they drop radioactive barrels to set a time limit or else you or both will die. What's the Hole? A place where when Ashur is in the mood to watch, slaves can attempt to gain their freedom by fighting against three other slaves, two gladiators, and the champion. If you fight in The Hole (*coughthethunderdomecough*). They'd gladly throw a poorly geared slave out to collect ingots rather than send a well armed member of themself to pick up these pieces. Who are the guards? Brutal sadistic edgelords that do not give a damn about putting a slave down if they get too uppity or are clearly too exhausted to work more. If that's the case, considering what trogs are, it's technically cannibalism. According to Kai, it mostly consists of trog meat mixed with the irradiated water from the three rivers.

falllout 3 the pit

And what happens with these laborers? What do they eat? Slop which has 25 HP and 25 radiation. He purchases slaves en-masse to funnel into the Pitt due to high mortality rates and infertility rates providing demand to encourage slavers to get to hunting people down. Also you don't have to kidnap a baby and Ashur, his spouse, and their group seems far more secure in their experiments that would minimize losing the one person currently living immune to the disease. If he keeps his supposed ambitions, the Pitt could become a thriving community. Making a cure would make the Pitt inhabitable and even possible to thrive in. He has a functional system running, rhetorically he does seem to believe in at least part of his cause. Ultimately, this is people's freedom we are negotiating with.Īnd for Ashur? We shall start with the positives. If it takes the churning of people into a slave funnel, maybe it's not worth it all and the Pitt should be abandoned. I mean they are forcing a bunch of people to slave away in the most dangerous of conditions that only accelerate the rates of catching TDC? And for what? A cure that might never truly come? The false promise of some better tomorrow? All the while people are slaving away in brutal conditions with sadistic guards murdering them when they please. These are the downsides, now to the positives. Still, Wehrner could basically try to rig up the same scenario. Midea's name is foreboding but she seems far more reasonable of the lot. He doesn't give a damn about the slaves and he's willing to kidnap a baby to get back at the ruler and city in general. He was one of the smartes Pitt Raiders and a right-hand man to Ashur. He wasn't some chummy good intentioned figure. To start with, it's worth observing each side. There's no real easy answer especially since there's no slides where it elaborates on the consequences nor does it factor in your karma into the question.

falllout 3 the pit

For the longest time I sided with Ashur but more recently I've become more swayed to side with Wehrner.

Falllout 3 the pit